ETHIOPIAN coffee ceremony

*** Welcome to Abol Coffee Ceremony ***

The Ethiopian coffee ceremony is a captivating and time-honored tradition that transcends the simple act of drinking coffee. Steeped in history and rich in symbolism, the ceremony is a celebration of Ethiopian culture, community, and hospitalityCoffee plays a vital role in Ethiopian culture, as the country is not only the birthplace of coffee but also boasts a long history of cultivating and enjoying the beloved beverage. The Ethiopian coffee ceremony is a unique and immersive experience that showcases the nation’s deep appreciation for coffee and the importance of fostering social connections through shared experiences.

CoffEe ceremony

How did you hear about us

Do you have any food allergies that we should be aware of?

Do you have any allergies to Incense or coffee beans smoke?

Do you permit for taking your photo & video for social media?

12 + 11 =

“Coffee is more than just a drink. It’s an experience”


Where the coffee ceremony takes place?

The coffee ceremony place is at ABOL CAFE; 102 1/2 Cannons Lane Louisville KY USA.

How long the coffee ceremony takes?

The coffee cermony takes 45 to 90 minutes based on the number attending  guests. 

How much coffee ceremony costs?

The coffee ceremony costs starting from $149 and increases with  the number of attending guests.

Is reservation required for the coffee ceremony?

Yes, coffee cermoney requires reservation.

Can we order food and other drinks while we attend the coffee ceremony?

Yes, you can order any additional foods or drinks from ABOL menu with additional menu prices. We can accommodate menu customization. ABOL MENU:

Can ABOL do coffee ceremony in our private events?

Yes, ABOL can do coffee cermony at your private or corpoarte events. Please contact us for more details on this. 


– New Year’s Day
– Memorial Day
– Independence Day
– Labor Day
– Thanksgiving Day
– Christmas Day

– Reserve an Ethiopian coffee ceremony with uS




(502) 384-9430



102 ½ Cannons Lane,
Louisville, KY, 40206